[SoCoSA/discuss] snmpd

Sean seanvanco at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 09:53:24 PST 2007

Dustin, I have done my best to give you everything below. Please let
me know if you need anything else.

I am running vmware server 1.03. I am using both the server and one of
its vms to attempt to get snmp data. The purpose of this setup is to
remotely monitor system bandwidth used by a vm and other linux and
windows boxes on my network. I have not yet tackled Windows

I have attempted to go both ways requesting information for testing. I
have tried to query the vm from the host, and the host from the vm.
Both get the same results. Both the host and guest are on the
192.168.1.x network, and aside from snmp seem to have no communication

Both systems are running Debian Etch, but host runs AMD64 while the vm
is running i386. Neither of these boxes have a firewall installed, and
the only firewall that affects these systems is my router firewall.

I have looked at all of my logs on both systems and cannot find any
errors. I have used nmap to try to see what UDP port are open, but was
unsuccessful as I could not seem to convince the software to run the
scan. It kept looking for a TCP port range.

I have installed ethereal/wireshark and was re-familiarizing myself to
it so that I could attempt to grab any packets that might be going
back and forth. I have not yet had a chance to try this.


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