North Bay Linux Users’ Group

general meeting

Automobiles and Linux

When: Tue July 09, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Alison Chaiken

Location: O'Reilly Media

Linux developers play a major role in bringing forth the surprisingly near-term technology of autonomous vehicles. The talk will present lessons from a few years of work on vehicular SW and make the case that automotive software will have an outsized societal impact. Imminent decisions by government and private industry will influence how long-running problems like privacy and security play out in this new space. What code is important in automotive Linux, and what’s it like to work on it? What are the opportunities for software developers and EE’s, and where might one get started?

Alison Chaiken has worked as an automotive software developer for 3 years, starting with MeeGo-IVI at Nokia, continuing as a contractor, and then joining Mentor Embedded Software Division. She is the organizer of the Silicon Valley Automotive Open Source Group and rides bicycles in any time that is somehow left over.

Edit 7/10/2013: slides from the presentation are available at

Published Thu 27 June 2013 by Jezra

general meeting

Lightning Talks

When: Tue June 11, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Location: O'Reilly Media

According to Wikipedia: A Lightning talk is a short presentation given at a conference or similar forum. Unlike other presentations, lightning talks last only a few minutes and several will usually be delivered in a single period by different speakers.

Everyone is invited and encouraged to talk about Linux.

  • Which distro are you running?
  • What hardware are you running Linux on?
  • What projects are you working on?
  • We want to hear about it.

A sign up form will be provided at the beginning of the meeting for anyone wanting to give a lightning talk.

Published Mon 03 June 2013 by NBLUG Board Members

general meeting


When: Tue May 14, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin

Location: O'Reilly Media

Like IPv6, DNSSEC is one of those great ideas that just hasn’t seen widespread adoption yet. That’s a shame because it turns out it’s not that difficult to deploy DNSSEC for a domain once you have the basic concepts down. In this talk Kyle will talk about general security issues that have plagued DNS over the years, how DNSSEC addresses some of them, how DNSSEC works, and finally how to deploy DNSSEC yourself.

Published Thu 09 May 2013 by NBLUG Board Members

general meeting

Lightning Talks and Linux discussion

When: Mon March 11, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Everyone!

Location: O'Reilly Media

The meeting will start with lightning talks (5-10 minute presentations), which will be followed by a general round table discussion of Linux.

Anyone wishing to give a lightning talk should sign-up at the beginning of the meeting, and the projector will be available for anyone who needs it.

Published Tue 12 March 2013 by Jezra Lickter

general meeting

The NAND in Nand2Tetris

When: Tue February 12, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Bill Marlin and Allan Cecil

Location: O'Reilly Media

This unique talk will cover the NAND part of the open source project, which has an aim of showing how to build a general-purpose computer system from the ground up. This talk will take advantage of the Nand2Tetris hardware simulator running under Linux to delve into how NAND gates alone can be used to build other logic gates and complex circuits. The talk’s focus and depth will be driven by audience feedback and will range from physical gate construction and logic gate simulation to the Nand2Tetris project’s end educational goals.

Published Mon 04 February 2013 by NBLUG Board Members

general meeting

BeagleBone and NTP

When: Tue January 08, 2013 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Jezra Lickter and Frank Ball

Location: O'Reilly Media

This meeting will be comprised of two presentations.

  1. Introduction to the BeagleBone: an ARM based development board running Linux - by Jezra Lickter

  2. NTP - Network Time Protocol: How it works and how to use it to properly synchronize your computer’s clock to an internet time server - by Frank Ball

Published Mon 07 January 2013 by Frank Ball

general meeting

PXE Magic

When: Tue December 11, 2012 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin

Location: O'Reilly Media

You used to install Linux with floppy disks or CD-ROM. If you have a lot of servers, want to live in the 21st century, or just don’t feel like getting up from your desk you should abandon that approach in favor of PXE booting over the network. In this talk Kyle will give an introduction to how PXE and kickstart/preseed installations work and follow up with how to adapt Debian and Ubuntu’s preconfigured PXE menus to create your own custom nice-looking PXE menu installer.

Published Fri 07 December 2012 by NBLUG Board Members

general meeting

Elections, Lightning Talks, Hackfest

When: Tue November 13, 2012 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Location: O'Reilly Media

NBLUG’s yearly elections will be held on 2012-11-13. For more information on the positions open, see the Elected Officers section of

After the election is concluded we will have time allotted for lightning talks followed by the announcements of the election result. The remainder of the night will be a hackfest with rumors of a possible code sprint happening.

Published Tue 06 November 2012 by Dustin Mollo

general meeting

DevOps Troubleshooting: Stop Blaming DNS!

When: Tue October 09, 2012 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin

Location: O'Reilly Media

In this talk Kyle will talk about DNS, the boogeyman in the network troubleshooting world, and explain not only how to tell when DNS isn’t the cause of your problems, but also dive into DNS troubleshooting so you’ll know for sure when it’s to blame. Kyle will cover troubleshooting techniques aimed at the entire DevOps organization. DevOps-style collaboration is great for rapidly developing and deploying software, and when you apply those techniques to troubleshooting, problem solving gets the same benefits.

Published Wed 26 September 2012 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

A Graphic Mistake: How to Scale and Translate

When: Tue September 11, 2012 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Roger House

Location: O'Reilly Media

This is a short talk describing an algorithmic error made by the speaker when writing code to draw some geometric objects on paper. Most of the objects displayed just fine, but some were shifted to wrong places on the page. Finding the cause of the problem was a bit of a mystery until an “Ah ha” event occurred. No sophisticated experience with graphics programming is required of the audience. The main ingredients are scaling and translation, rather basic operations which are explained in the talk.

Published Tue 11 September 2012 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Hackfest and Hardware Swap

When: Tue August 14, 2012 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Location: O'Reilly Media

Instead of a regular speaker, this month we are going to do a hackfest. Like the previous hackfest we will take half of the meeting to conduct lightning talks from the first four people who sign up for one. After that we will spend the rest of the time in a more loosely-structured social setting where everyone can show each other what they have been working on or ask for help. This would be a good meeting to bring your computers.

Also this month we invite you to bring any computer hardware you think other members might be interested in for a hardware swap.

Published Tue 11 September 2012 by NBLUG Board Members

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