North Bay Linux Users’ Group

general meeting

Configuring and deploying Linux for an embedded software platform using LTIB

When: Tue June 09, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Nathan Knuth

Location: O'Reilly Media

From the LTIB website: The LTIB (Linux Target Image Builder) project is a simple tool that can be used to develop and deploy BSPs (Board Support Packages) for various target platforms. Using this tool a user will be able to develop a GNU/Linux image for their target platform.

This talk with demonstrate the configuration and use of LTIB for assembling the components of an embedded Linux system. Topics will include uboot, Linux kernel, and root file system options.

Published Tue 09 June 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Graphs, Generic Progamming, and the Boost Graph Libary

When: Tue May 12, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Roger House

Location: O'Reilly Media

Roger House will be speaking at this month’s talk and will answer these questions:

  • What are mathematical graphs? What are they good for? What is generic programming?
  • What is it good for? What is Boost? What is the Boost Graph Library (BGL)?
  • What are they good for?
Published Tue 12 May 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Linux in the Workplace

When: Tue April 14, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin, Aaron Grattafiori, Frank Ball, and Jordan Erickson

Location: O'Reilly Media

So how exactly do people use Linux in the workplace these days? In this talk an NBLUG panel of systems administrators will talk about how they use Linux at their work.

Published Tue 14 April 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Native Client

When: Tue March 10, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Aaron Grattafiori

Location: O'Reilly Media

Google’s Native Client project seeks to provide high-performance, cross-platform, browser-based applications yet allow them to be “untrusted”. Performance is in the form of x86 binary code while Security comes from a dual layer sandbox. In this talk I’ll overview the goals of the project, how it works, why you might care plus give a demo of a few Native Client applications.

Published Tue 10 March 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

GUI Candy

When: Tue February 10, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin

Location: O'Reilly Media

Last month we discussed some cool command line tools. This month Kyle will go to the opposite end of the spectrum and talk about desktop eye candy. Kyle will specifically discuss Compiz Fusion and Gnome Do and go into some of the more advanced configuration options available for Compiz.

Published Tue 10 February 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Cool Shell Tools

When: Tue January 13, 2009 07:30 PM to 09:30 PM

Speaker: Panel

Location: O'Reilly Media

A panel of NBLUG members will discuss cool shell tools. We will delve into tools like screen, mutt, vim, and others.

Published Tue 13 January 2009 by Glenn Kerbein

general meeting

Revolution OS Screening

When: Thu December 04, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: None

Location: O'Reilly

Published Tue 09 December 2008 by Kyle Rankin

general meeting

NBLUG Elections and “Where’d my Files Go? A guide to the Modern Ubuntu Distribution”

When: Tue November 11, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Kyle Rankin

Location: O'Reilly Media

While you might not be able to tell at a cursory glance, a lot has changed behind the scenes on a modern Ubuntu system from what you might be used to if you have used Linux for years. For example, did you know Ubuntu is phasing out System V init? That you can’t loopback-mount the initrd? In this talk I would discuss the current changes Ubuntu is making to what we might consider the traditional Linux system. There’s a little something for everyone on the talk: For Linux newbies who are curious about what’s under the hood I will cover the traditional and modern boot process including how init works and follow up with a guide to where important files are in Ubuntu. For the experienced Linux user I’ll show you how (and why) things have changed and where you can look now when you want to, for instance, change the default runlevel on an Ubuntu system.

Published Tue 11 November 2008 by Kyle Rankin

general meeting

LTSP: Raiders of the Lost Mainframe

When: Tue October 14, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Josh Dukes and Aaron Grattafiori

Location: O'Reilly Media

In the beginning there were only the mainframes. Administration only required configuration of one system. Users accessed the mainframe from dumb terminals. Everyone had access to the same resources and had the same software, because everyone was on the same system. Then came the personal computer. Users all got their own systems, and system administration became exponentially more difficult. LTSP gives us a way to get the terminal server, singular administration and control we admins want and still give users the warm fuzzy interface, speed and freedom they want. One system, one set of updates, one place to make changes. We’re going to look in to some of the history of LTSP, overview the technology involved, and some of the many potential applications. Finally we’ll look at the best way to implement LTSP, and how its working in production in our corporate environment.

Published Tue 14 October 2008 by Dustin Mollo

general meeting

Puppet Systems Management Tool

When: Tue September 09, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Eric Eisenhart

Location: O'Reilly Media

Still using ssh in a for loop to manage server clusters? Rewriting the entire hard drive of hundreds of workstations just to tweak one setting? Managing your systems by hand? Having trouble keeping up with all the changes to all the systems? Maybe it’s time to try something new.

Puppet is a system for automating system administration tasks. Puppet is also a declarative language for expressing system configuration, a client and server for distributing it, and a library for realizing the configuration.

Huh? In other words, you edit files in a nice readable language and magically the right things change in the right order on all the right systems. It’s like your systems configure themselves.


Published Tue 09 September 2008 by Eric Eisenhart

general meeting

CTL” Enterprise Project Management

When: Tue August 12, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Alex Honor

Location: O'Reilly Media

CTL is a new open source project for enterprise management, written in Java, but with bindings to Python, Perl, Ruby, shell, Javascript, and more. CTL is not an acronym; think of what ‘apachectl’ does for the Apache webserver, and imagine what such a tool might do for your entire enterprise and you’ve got CTL.

About the Speaker:

Alex Honor is open source project lead and principle architect at ControlTier. Formerly, he was head of E*trade system engineering, and carried them from dot boom to dot bomb and has been specializing in cradle to grave distributed enterprise software management ever since.

Published Tue 12 August 2008 by Dustin Mollo

general meeting

Introduction to the Haiku Operating System

When: Wed July 09, 2008 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM

Speaker: Jorge G. Mare, Scott McCreary & (possibly?) Urias McCullough

Location: O'Reilly Media

Haiku is an open source operating system inspired by the BeOS that is specifically focused on personal computing. The intent of this presentation is to give a general introduction to both the Haiku project and operating system. The talk will cover among other things the history of the project, some of its most important milestones, recent developments, the code base, as well as the global community that supports it. We will also introduce some of the aspects that make the Haiku operating system unique both from a technical as well as end user perspective. We will wrap up the talk with an interactive live demo/QA session.

Published Wed 09 July 2008 by Dustin Mollo

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