[NBLUG/talk] Re: [NBLUG/Announce] Reminder: LNX-BBC tomorrow night!
Arsen Yeremin
arsen3d at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 10 19:30:04 PST 2003
for some reason the emails I receive from you come as a blank email with an
attachment. Take a look at the headers. I am including a working and a non
working email received from nblug.
Best regards,
Arsen Yeremin
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From: "Eric Eisenhart" <eric at nblug.org>
To: <announce at nblug.org>
Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 8:46 AM
Subject: [NBLUG/Announce] Reminder: LNX-BBC tomorrow night!
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Subject: [NBLUG/Announce] GPG Key Signing Party!
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WHAT: GnuPG Key Signing Party.
WHERE: O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol
WHEN: After the general meeting.
WHY: A key signing party properly facilitates the signing of your
GnuPG public key by other GnuPG users. Having your public key signed
increases the "web of trust" for everyone, and brings more validity to
your key, as it represents your identity.
What to bring?
1. Your self (physical attendance is mandatory)
2. Picture ID
3. Your Key ID, Key type, HEX fingerprint, and Key size
(probably just make a print out from your keyring...unless
you've got all this memorized ;) )
4. Something to write with
5. NO computer!
How does it work?
1. Before the party generate a key pair, and either upload your
public key to a public key server such as www.keyserver.net, or be
prepared to tell people from where they can access your public key on
the internet.
2. Email your public key to the coordinator: augie at nblug.org
3. The coordinator prints a list with everyone's key ID, key type,
fingerprint, and key size from the compiled keys and distributes
copies of the printout at the meeting.
4. Bring along a paper copy of your key ID, key type, fingerprint,
and key size that you obtained from your own keyring. Also bring a
photo ID.
5. You will be making two marks on the listing, one for correct key
information (key ID, key type, fingerprint, and key size) and one if
the ID check is ok.
6. Now mingle. The point is to meet as many people, and get as many
signatures as you can.
7. When you meet someone read your key ID, key type, fingerprint,
key size, and user ID from your own printout, not from the distributed
listing. This is because there could be an error, intended or not, on
the listing. This is also the time to confirm ID information. If the
key information matches your printout then place a check-mark by the
key on your own distributed list, and if the ID appears to be valid
place another check-mark on your own distributed list.
8. That's it! When you get home, take a look at your list, any keys
on your list with TWO check-marks are valid keys, and you may download
that key from the keyserver or from another location that the key
owner has specified. Sign that key and upload it back to the server
you got it from, or email it back to its owner.
http://www.nblug.org/augie/gpg - shameless self promotion
http://www.mandrakesecure.net/en/docs/gpg.php - good brief
introduction into GnuPG
http://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual.html - more indepth information
- --
irc.nblug.org #nblug
registered linux user #229905
gpg public key: http://www.sonic.net/schwer/schwer.asc
Key fingerprint = 9815 AE19 AFD1 1FE7 5DEE 2AC3 CB99 2784 27B0 C072
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
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WHAT: NBLUG General Meeting
TOPIC: LNX-BBX (Linux Bootable Business Card)
SPEAKER: Nick Moffitt & ??
WHERE: O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol
WHEN: Tuesday, March 11th, 2003 @ 7:30PM
This is our normal monthly meeting at the normal scheduled time and place.
The LNX-BBC is a mini Linux-distribution, small enough to fit on a
CD-ROM that has been cut, pressed, or molded to the size and shape of a
business card. LNX-BBCs can be used to rescue ailing machines, perform
intrusion post-mortems, act as a temporary workstation, and perform many
other tasks that we haven't yet imagined.
Nick Moffitt, of the BBC project, will be talking about the build system
they use to create the images. He'll be bringing along another person
from the project that will be talking about the BBC itself from a user
REMINDER: GnuPG Key Signing Party To Follow. See:
for more info.
Eric Eisenhart
NBLUG Co-Founder & President Pro Tempore for Life
The North Bay Linux Users Group
eric at nblug.org, IRC: Freiheit at freenode, AIM: falschfreiheit, ICQ: 48217244
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
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