general meeting
Panel/Board review on some common methods for dealing with spam
When: Tue July 08, 2003 07:30 PM to 09:00 PM
Speaker: Panel of NBLUG members
Location: O'Reilly and Associates
Most of us get spam, and many of us who get spam don’t want it. So, what do we do about it? Come hear a panel of NBLUG members talk about various methods that can be used in Linux to help decrease the amount of spam that makes it to your inbox.
Eric (Acting NBLUG VP) is presently employed at SRJC and has found several methods for filtering spam. He has experience with such tools as Procmail, SpamAssassin and others.
Frank Ball (Active NBLUG Board Member) works at Agilent. He has found help in avoiding spam with customized ipchains/iptables rules as well as employments of other tools.
M.E.(Acting NBLUG President) is a student of Computer Science who has found sanctaury with procmail and spamassassin.