[NBLUG/Announce] Reminder: General Meeting TONIGHT! Distribution Round Table

Eric Eisenhart eric at nblug.org
Tue Dec 13 07:59:23 PST 2005

This month a gaggle of geeks bring you discussion of various Linux
distributions.  Actually, that would be GNU/Linux distributions, but
we'll get more into that at the meeting :)

Bob Blick -- SuSE and Damn Small Linux
William Tracy -- Ubuntu
Augie Schwer -- Mandriva, the distribution formerly known as Mandrake
Aaron Grattafiori -- Gentoo
Eric Eisenhart -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and alternatives

These distributions cover the gamut from the most user-friendly that Linux has
to offer all the way down to some of the most geeky and technical, so there
will be something for everyone.

Extra special thanks to William and Aaron for agreeing to do this during their
finals week!

Start: 2005/12/13 - 7:30pm
End: 2005/12/13 - 9:00pm
O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA

We are always looking for speakers, so if you or anyone you know
would like to give a presentation to a group of friendly nerds,
please send an email to speakers at nblug.org . Thank you, and we
look forward to seeing you at the next meeting.

(announcement originally written by Troy Arnold, the MC for this round
Eric Eisenhart
NBLUG Co-Founder, Scribe and InstallFest Coordinator
The North Bay Linux Users Group -- http://nblug.org/
eric at nblug.org, IRC: Freiheit at fn AIM: falschfreiheit
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