This month Matthew Smith will give us a follow up presentation to
Dustin's talk on the WRT54G; the commercial Linksys router that can
run Linux.
"Matthew Smith will be giving a talk about advanced usage of Linux
on the WRT54G.
Short description of talk:
Topic 1: Using the WRT54G to make a cheap network bridge.
Topic 2: Using the WRT54G to monitor and control the physical world.
I'll talk about how you can monitor input pins and turn on/off
output pins. With a simple circuit (which I'll show) you can control
anything you want."
Start: 2005/11/08 - 7:30pm
End: 2005/11/08 - 9:00pm
O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA
We are always looking for speakers, so if you or anyone you know
would like to give a presentation to a group of friendly nerds
please send an email to speakers(a) . Thank you, and I
look forward to seeing you all there at the next meeting.
Augie Schwer (augiei(a) : NBLUG - Vice President
GPG Public Key:
Key fingerprint = 9815 AE19 AFD1 1FE7 5DEE 2AC3 CB99 2784 27B0 C072
This month Matthew Smith will give us a follow up presentation to
Dustin's talk on the WRT54G; the commercial Linksys router that can
run Linux.
"Matthew Smith will be giving a talk about advanced usage of Linux
on the WRT54G.
Short description of talk:
Topic 1: Using the WRT54G to make a cheap network bridge.
Topic 2: Using the WRT54G to monitor and control the physical world.
I'll talk about how you can monitor input pins and turn on/off
output pins. With a simple circuit (which I'll show) you can control
anything you want."
Start: 2005/11/08 - 7:30pm
End: 2005/11/08 - 9:00pm
O'Reilly, Sebastopol, CA
We are always looking for speakers, so if you or anyone you know
would like to give a presentation to a group of friendly nerds
please send an email to speakers at . Thank you, and I
look forward to seeing you all there at the next meeting.
Augie Schwer (augiei(a) : NBLUG - Vice President
GPG Public Key:
Key fingerprint = 9815 AE19 AFD1 1FE7 5DEE 2AC3 CB99 2784 27B0 C072