When: September 8th, 2015 7:30 pm
Speaker: Kyle Rankin
Location: O'Reilly Media at 1005 Gravenstein Hwy N, Sebastopol, CA in
the Tarsier conference room past the metal statue and to the right
Title: (Backdoor) Free BIOSes with Libreboot
While Linux users have spent a lot of time using free software on their
computers, usually that stops at the operating system. Being able to view
and modify your source code not only gives you more freedom, it gives you
more security, in particular from back doors. What's good for the OS is
good for the BIOS, which malware hackers, Lenovo, and state-sponsored
attackers have all used to persist their exploits.
In this talk Kyle will cover Libreboot, a completely free software
distribution of the open source Coreboot BIOS and discuss the current state
of hardware support for Libreboot and how to install it, including a brief
description of how to turn a Raspberry Pi into a flashrom BIOS-flashing